HSE Reward Petronas

HSE reward for Focused Reconition To Wicaksono Herlambang, Richat Sugianta and Fachrur Rozi technicians Customer Focused In the following manner: Outstanding dedication and commitment for manpower support and troubleshooting during BT­ORF UPS issue which cause unexpected plant shutdown and Loss Of production Opportunity. The troubleshooting took extra effort to individually test each component of the…

HSE Buletin September 2023

Kami sampaikan HSE Bulletin bulan SEPTEMBER 2023 Dimana kontennya yaitu : PROTOKOL KESEHATAN UNTUK LINDUNGI DIRI DARI POLUSI WASPADA EFEK EL NINO POTENSI DAMPAK EL NINO TERHADAP KESEHATAN MANUSIA Dampak El Nino terhadap Kesehatan Manusia Efek El Nino sering kali diasosiasikan dengan perubahan pola cuaca dan ekosistem, tetapi dampaknya meluas ke kesehatan manusia. El Nino…

Personal Transfer Maintenance & Recertification

Personal Transfer Maintenance & Recertification PT Depriwangga-OM is a team of experts for maintenance and recertification personal transfers of Reflex Marine in Indonesia. Reflex marine is a company that manufactures the Frog type capsule, we have been trained and have certifications for maintenance and resertification of Frog 3 seat, XT4, XT6 and RT Toro Through…

winch repair depriwangga om 2

Winch repair and Braden Winch Replacement

Braden Winch Replacement The PB platform equipped with an FMC-Link Belt  Offshore Crane, type API-100, SWL 61.700 Lbs – 35M. The crane equipped with a Paccar main hoist winch, make Braden Gearmatic, type CH210A, Luffing winch Type CH 175B and and Auxiliary. hoist winch cum man-riding winch, Braden type CH 165A. Original cranes using CH…