HSE Bulletin February 2024

Kami sampaikan HSE Bulletin bulan February 2024 Dimana kontennya yaitu : dimana kurleb kontennya berkaitan dengan :  TIPS MENURUNKAN TEKANAN MATA  CARA RELAKSASI SEJENAK DI DEPAN KOMPUTER / LAPTOP  DO’s & DON’Ts DYSPLIDEMIA  SAFETY DRIVING FORKLIFT Jadi. . . tunggu apa lagi , Yuk dibaca  Terimakasih atas perhatiannya  TIPS…

HSE Reward Petronas

HSE reward for Focused Reconition To Wicaksono Herlambang, Richat Sugianta and Fachrur Rozi technicians Customer Focused In the following manner: Outstanding dedication and commitment for manpower support and troubleshooting during BT­ORF UPS issue which cause unexpected plant shutdown and Loss Of production Opportunity. The troubleshooting took extra effort to individually test each component of the…