It is the policy of the PT. DEPRIWANGGA OM as Operation and Maintenance Company operates a formal Integrated Quality Assurance system that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001 :2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 14001 :2015 and other international standards.
The purpose of this ts to enhance our service, maintain existing business and enable the company to take advantage of new opportunities This will result in success and eanslecucn for the Customer Company and individuals. This applies to all aspects of operation, so consequently all staff must be committed to this concept and practice professionalism and system comphance. This must be undertaken arid practiced daily in all ecnvnes at the workplace.
To ensure we maintain the quality system, it shall be closely monitored both internally and by eeemet certified bodies. The continual improvement is essential for developing our business to be most efficient, effective, and productive
M,magement committed to complying with government regulations, customers, and other requirements